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Well, there is no need to convince them. If something is cheap, many people will be driven towards that. There is nothing right and wrong ab ...
It is important to spend time learning the game. Yes, you can have fun playing it without getting a hold of it but you won't win. An occ ...
Mutual funds are good products. That doesn't mean other products are bad. There are some great schemes other than mutual funds, which sh ...
I have seen many MFDs trying too many things to grow. It seems as if they have FOMO (fear of missing out) if they don't participate in e ...
Against the odds, surprisingly, both equity and debt markets delivered good returns in calendar year 2020 (so far). The challenge seems to b ...
Marketing is important. It will get you more clients which in turn will increase your business. However, spending more time in learning is m ...
There is just too much discussion happening around the MFD vs RIA regulations. Both MFDs and RIAs have their concerns. Neither of them is ha ...
Most clients are extremely loyal to their advisors. All they expect is an honest advice and good service. They may talk about returns but ev ...
The budget has become routine for the markets. Like any other event. Dont overemphasize it. Dont try to be Me First in sending budget highli ...
Financial markets are dynamic. Things change over time. We used to consider mutual funds as very safe. They still are but defaults in debt m ...
As a mutual fund distributor, you will definitely grow over time. There is no quick fix way. There is now one way. Keep exploring and keep t ...
It is quite natural for clients to look for higher returns but as investment professional we must know that safety is their primary concern. ...
The simplest business I have known is mutual fund distribution and yet many IFAs are making it look complicated. It is not a rocket science. ...
During bad markets, portfolio of clients go down. Some IFAs, when they approach other existing clients and look at their portfolio, bad mout ...
Revenue will always be under pressure as the industry matures. Don’t worry about that. Also, you have no control on this. You should a ...
STPs could be used in many ways. It could be used as a capital protection strategy wherein only the appreciation amount can be transferred t ...
After 2018 finance budget, it makes more sense to invest in growth option. This is because, tax deferment is considered to be better than pa ...
Few AMCs and IFAs promote daily or weekly SIPs. They claim that historical data suggests that returns are better because of this. Many IFAs ...
Remember this. Every rise is not the top and every fall is not an opportunity to buy. Don’t always jump to do bottom fishing. The port ...
No doubt, a lot of investors are moving ‘direct’. It’s there choice. Some of them will benefit from it also while it will ...
Challenges are part of any business. In our business, regulations are becoming stricter and many IFAs think it will make them extinct. No, i ...