Clients like short answers with conviction, not long explanations with confusion.
  • March 20th, 2019
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When everything is falling, clients will lift you up.
  • March 20th, 2020
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Advisors obsession and bias for equity is not a good thing. Never ignore the power of asset allocation.
  • July 10th, 2020
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Clients underrate the advantage of having an advisor. Still, IFAs must keep doing the right things.
  • September 18th, 2019
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Advisors would do well if they don’t apply everything fund managers have to say. Too much information is injurious.
  • July 4th, 2019
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Mutual funds is beneficial to all stakeholders; the investors, the distributors and the manufacturer.
  • July 13th, 2017
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A lot of integrity with a small salesmanship will make you a top mutual fund distributor.
  • December 24th, 2020
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Do your job. Clients will get filtered over time.
  • July 7th, 2020
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What matters is a few hundred active clients, not thousands of inactive ones.
  • June 21st, 2018
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Plan your clients retirement well for your own safe retirement.
  • June 4th, 2018
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