If you call yourself an advisor, you must always give advice which is in the interest of the client.
  • October 25th, 2019
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The single most important growth mantra is ‘Client Meetings’.
  • January 3rd, 2019
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Low conflict of interest = high loyalty of clients.
  • June 27th, 2020
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Be active in client servicing. Be passive in portfolio churning.
  • July 16th, 2018
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Clients want a person by their side who feels responsible for their money. Be that person.
  • December 11th, 2020
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If you serve your clients well, you will survive all turbulences.
  • August 16th, 2018
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Clients are more loyal to their advisors than many advisors to their clients.
  • June 25th, 2020
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Clients place more value to solutions and service than returns.
  • November 27th, 2019
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MFDs mostly make an error in judging clients preference whether they want higher returns or safety.
  • November 12th, 2019
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Being bullish is good but it must not break the rules of asset allocation. Manage client portfolios with knowledge, not your gut feeling.
  • October 30th, 2018
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