SIPs help in building the base as well as a skyscraper.
  • March 22nd, 2018
  • 1
Talk less in front of clients.
  • March 21st, 2018
  • 0
Your clients believe in you. Never break their trust.
  • March 20th, 2018
  • 0
Don't just follow top MFDs. Work hard to become one.
  • March 19th, 2018
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If you sell right the first time, you would never need to sell again.
  • March 16th, 2018
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Stay in the business to benefit from it.
  • March 14th, 2018
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Focus on net sales. Mark to Market will take care of itself.
  • March 13th, 2018
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In every business reduction in margin is compensated by increase in volume.
  • March 12th, 2018
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Your efforts will be rewarded in ratio of 1:10 in the future. Keep going.
  • March 9th, 2018
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Focus on what you are doing. Don't get distracted by what others are doing.
  • March 8th, 2018
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