If pessimism is not working, try optimism.
  • April 5th, 2018
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Markets will beat you. Don’t attempt to predict it.
  • April 4th, 2018
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Luck is the reward for hard work. Sometimes in advance, sometimes in arrears.
  • April 3rd, 2018
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Every business has it’s own ups and downs. Managing any business requires some unique skills.
  • April 2nd, 2018
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Selling life insurance is not bad. Selling without understanding the clients need is.
  • March 30th, 2018
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Many MFDs don’t grow not because of lack of opportunity but because of fear and negativity. Be positive.
  • March 29th, 2018
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To know the client well is more important than the markets.
  • March 28th, 2018
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Most clients are loyal to MFDs.
  • March 27th, 2018
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When you add integrity to your salesmanship, your productivity multiples.
  • March 26th, 2018
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Clients need comfort in bad markets. Be with them.
  • March 23rd, 2018
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