Active management doesn’t work in mutual fund advisory business. Stay passive.
  • November 4th, 2019
  • 0
Sales is important. Review of existing portfolio is even more critical.
  • November 1st, 2019
  • 115
The more the complexity in the system, the more the value of an advisor.
  • October 30th, 2019
  • 0
What clients say and what they mean are two different things. Your job is to decode it.
  • October 29th, 2019
  • 1
If you call yourself an advisor, you must always give advice which is in the interest of the client.
  • October 25th, 2019
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If you don’t lose money for clients, you will make money for them.
  • October 24th, 2019
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Like SIPs, clients also grow with time. Stay with them.
  • October 23rd, 2019
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Great advisors make their clients a passive investor.
  • October 21st, 2019
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If you don’t like your clients, leave them. Never bad mouth them.
  • October 18th, 2019
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Give respect to AMC people the way you expect it from your clients.
  • October 17th, 2019
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