Bad markets are opportunities to create loyal clients. Serve them well during tough times.
  • March 17th, 2020
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Provide guaranteed service. Returns are anyways not guaranteed.
  • August 14th, 2018
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Be critical of yourself, not the industry.
  • June 13th, 2020
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Bull and bear phases are part of every business. Keep doing your routine irrespective of markets.
  • November 21st, 2018
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Challenges will keep coming but we must march ahead. Grow your AUM.
  • April 16th, 2019
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People can motivate you but you have to do it on your own.
  • June 7th, 2018
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Mutual fund distribution is not a rocket science. Take it easy.
  • October 15th, 2018
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Your high equity AUM is not a proof of your quality. Sell debt too.
  • June 6th, 2018
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If you work sincerely during work hours, you would never require to do overtime.
  • December 7th, 2019
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Look up to top IFAs but never look down upon yourself.
  • November 1st, 2017
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