Total Duration : 1 hours 11 minutes 11 seconds
Video Validity : 2 Year (from Purchase)
Total : 13 Videos
MFD Module for Beginners
Member's Price : Rs. 6,500
  Rs 7,500

This Video Series is for MFDs who have recently started (0-5 years) a mutual fund distribution business. It will help you refine your strategy and grow faster.

Videos in package

5 Steps to Success


In this powerful video, you will get to know about 5 steps to success. If you have decided to pursue a mutual fund distribution business, this can help you redefine your goals.


5 Powerful Dialogues while convincing clients


If you want to convert more prospects into clients, you need to make a powerful impact during the first meeting. In this video, you will get to know 5 powerful dialogues that you can use in front of your clients to convince them why they should deal with you.

Top 5 Things for new MFDs (In the first Year)


If this is your first year of business, this video lesson is a must. If you do these 5 things, you will grow faster.

The Rule of 10,000 Hours


Many high performers have followed the rule of 10,000 hours. What does it mean? How can you benefit from it in the MFD business? Watch this video and let the secret be out.

The Rule of 10+10


The Rule of 10+10 is coined by Brijesh. Anyone who follows this will grow tremendously in the mutual fund distribution business. Watch this video to know more.

The Magic number of 600


Prospecting and client conversion are one of the most important parts of the mutual fund distribution business. How do you break the code, convert more clients, and grow faster? In this video, Brijesh will decode the Magic number of 600.

Be anonymous for five years and then you will rise.


MFDs who work silently grow faster. Why? Is it easy to work anonymously? What are the benefits? Watch this video to know more.

Clients are everything


No business in the world can survive without clients. Clients are everything. What should be your attitude towards clients? How should you treat them? Watch this video for more.


Clients don't like surprises - keep her informed / updated.


The impact of a positive surprise stays short. The repercussions of a negative surprise haunt for a long time. What should be your strategy when it comes to keeping clients informed about their investments? How should you deal with negative news concerning clients? This video will give you the answer.

Don't go after people who are not after you.


Soliciting business is an important part of sales. However, if some people are not responding, how long should you chase them? When should you stop and why is the answer you shall get in this video.

Difference between AUM & AUA


Looking at your AUM can motivate you. But is this the right way of looking at the strength of your business? What is AUA and why you should focus more on this number? Know it here.

Clients don't like over communication; keep it short n subtle.


Client engagement is important. However, how frequently you should communicate with clients? How much follow-up you should do? How much information you should share? Know all of this in this video. 

How to Grow with retail clients


Most MFDs work with retail clients and think they can't make it big in retail. This assumption is not right. Retail holds excellent potential if the strategy is correct. This video gives you a step-by-step process and strategy for growing AUM with retail clients. The ideas and strategy are simple to follow and execute and you can grow substantially with retail clients.