Total Duration : 1 hours 21 minutes 53 seconds
Video Validity : 2 Year (from Purchase)
Total : 13 Videos
MFD Module- Advanced
Member's Price : Rs. 8,000
  Rs 9,000

It is easy to start but takes a lot of effort to scale things up. This video series is designed to help MFDs acquire new skills, make new strategies, and create a bigger vision to reach the next level.

Videos in package

The golden rule of communication


In sales, good communication is half the job done. Get better at communicating with your clients and prospects by implementing this idea.

Strategy for Social Media Marketing


Does social media marketing work in the MFD business? How much focus you should have on this? What is the right strategy? Know it all in this video.

Why Clients Deal With You


This video will reveal the secret of why clients deal with you.

3 Stages of Client Management


More than sales, MFDs need to manage clients well over a long period. There are 3 stages of client management, If known and managed successfully, you can create loyal clients.

The Most Dangerous Number


MFDs become complacent and lazy after they achieve a particular level of AUM. What is that dangerous number and how you can get past it? Unlock this video to know more.

Did I justify my profession


Is it about how much AUM you build? Is it about how much income you generate? Or is it about justifying your profession? Get the answer here.

Fear of clients leaving


Do you have a fear that your clients may leave you? Do you fear your AUM will drop due to this? Watch this video to get confidence about your clients and your business.

5 Indicators of MFDs growth


The growth of MFDs is dependent on various factors. Mostly, these factors are internal and MFDs can take control of it. This video will throw light upon 5 indicators of growth.

Clients become big. Stay with them - they grow, we grow.


The growth of MFD is dependent on clients. We underestimate the potential of clients. Many of them will grow beyond your expectations. Get convinced with this video.

Do not compete with others, instead compete with yourself.


You don't need to compete with anyone else to grow in the mutual fund distribution business. The market size and potential are huge.

The Power of 4


You will learn the following in this video. 1. Four pillars of the MFD profession. 2. Four Things MFDs should do. 3. Four things MFDs should avoid, and 4. Four Steps to Success.

How to build AUM of 100 Crores


For every MFD, reaching a milestone of 100 Crores AUM is a dream. In this video you will get 11 ideas to reach this milestone.

How to Double Your SIP Book


SIP is a game changer; for investors as well as MFDs. If you want to double your SIP book, this video will give you several insights and strategies to sell more SIPs.