What is Mahila Samman Savings Certificate?

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What is the minimum and maximum deposit limit under Mahila Samman Savings Certificate?

  • 286
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Who can invest in Mahila Samman Savings Scheme?

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Can a woman open multiple Mahila Samman Savings Certificate accounts?

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What is the Interest Rate of the Mahila Samman Savings Certificate?

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What is the tenure of the deposit in the Mahila Samman Savings Certificate?

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Can the Mahila Samman Savings Certificate account be opened jointly?

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Does Mahila Samman Savings Certificate have a nomination facility?

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Is there any partial withdrawal facility for Mahila Samman Savings Certificate?

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Is pre-mature closer allowed in Mahila Samman Savings Certificate?

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Is there any tax advantage on deposits of Mahila Samman Savings Certificate?

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Where to open Mahila Samman Savings Certificate account?

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What are the charges under the Mahila Samman Savings Certificate?

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What is the last date for opening the MSSC account?

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