How should I select a Mutual Fund Scheme?

  • 3662
  • 16

How many scheme should I sell?

  • 3473
  • 14

When should I book profits in equity funds for clients?

  • 1425
  • 12

How should I make a list for prospects?

  • 1295
  • 14

How many prospects I should meet to make 200 clients?

  • 1077
  • 7

How should I manage my time as an MFD?

  • 561
  • 6

Some clients are ask for rebate. Should I give back commission to them?

  • 330
  • 6

What is the rule of 10/10?

  • 3847
  • 14

When you meet a new client for the first time, what exactly we as IFAs need to carry with us. What are the discussions we need to avoid. What are the point we need to tell to convert it into a business.

  • 3951
  • 17

What value added services should we provide to our clients?

  • 458
  • 3

People often think that mutual fund is related to stock market and is risky. What answer can we give to them confident to invest in mutual fund?

  • 215
  • 2

Many of my clients are going direct while doing additional purchase online. How can I stop them?

  • 249
  • 4

How can I increase my SIP book value & AUM?

  • 298
  • 1

I am a new IFA. What are the points we should discuss with clients to convert them easily?

  • 222
  • 2

How we can have regular business in mutual funds?

  • 229
  • 2

I have started mutual fund distribution last year. How can I acquire more clients for SIP in a new city with limited contacts?

  • 206
  • 1

Which option is better; growth or dividend payout?

  • 152
  • 1

To be in the top 1% IFA in India, how much AUM should I have?

  • 244
  • 3

How can I increase my SIP sales?

  • 256
  • 4

I need good marketing material / snapshot so convince my clients. From where can I get it?

  • 251
  • 2